Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Magic Pani Spree 1 CLOSED

Click here to view full collection:

Please do not choose and send your order that end earlier than Spree 1. Email me your order template. Kindly transfer required money to my ANZ acc 013225 576262097. Postage cost will be informed later on. Items will be send out asap once they arrived. Please read rules and regulation before you make order. Dont join the spree if you are not comfortable, thanks.

Happy spreeing with us!~~~


~ said...

【A140073】 華麗豔夏˙搶眼燙金花朵托特包 白
【A140075】 清爽休閒˙側折邊釘扣軟皮2WAY包 白
【A140076】搶眼款˙前口袋卯釘肩背包 駝色
【A110636】夏日風味俏麗款˙附胸墊綁帶小可愛 白底藍點 *
【A110637】夏日風味俏麗款˙附胸墊綁帶小可愛 黑底白點 *
【A110638】夏日風味俏麗款˙附胸墊綁帶小可愛 紅底白點 *
【A110622】夏日必備‧橫條金蔥長版背心 黑*金 *
【A140099】搭配好物‧珍珠蝴蝶結項鍊 黑 *
【110552】RAINBOW GIRL‧活力圓領棉T 淺灰
【110666】特殊造型‧2件式露肩上衣 寶藍
【130235】甜美女孩‧銀蔥設計感蛋糕裙 銀白色 x 2 *
【110602】經典休閒款˙條紋長版polo衫 黑x淺米 *
【110610】日系感穿搭˙不敗全素圓領長版T 粉橘色 *
【110611】日系感穿搭˙不敗全素圓領長版T 黑色 *
【130224】sexy奢華˙口袋拉鍊造型淺洗色牛仔短裙 M *
【110510】不敗經典款˙實搭寬條圓領t 咖*杏 *

~ said...

Response from babes are poor for Magic Pani Spree 1.
* my order